Batch update spreadsheet cells using Python

Using the gdata-python-client, you can change the value in multiple cells with one HTTP request. Here is an example:
import gdata.spreadsheet
import gdata.spreadsheet.service

client = gdata.spreadsheet.service.SpreadsheetsService() = 'your email address'
client.password = 'your password'

# Use the spreadsheet key and worksheet ID for the worksheet you want to edit.
cells = client.GetCellsFeed('pKq0C...', wksht_id='od6')

batchRequest = gdata.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetsCellsFeed()

# This sample changes the first four cells in the spreadsheet.
cells.entry[0].cell.inputValue = 'x'
cells.entry[1].cell.inputValue = 'y'
cells.entry[2].cell.inputValue = 'z'
cells.entry[3].cell.inputValue = '=sum(3,5)'

updated = client.ExecuteBatch(batchRequest, cells.GetBatchLink().href)

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